두두의 IT/Trouble Shooting

IntelliJ Spring Boot Run 버튼 비활성화 됐을 때

두두연 2022. 5. 6. 15:30

오류1. Run 불가

해결방법. 톰캣 설치 후 intelliJ와 연동

0. Apache Tomcat 설치https://tomcat.apache.org/download-80.cgi


Apache Tomcat® - Apache Tomcat 8 Software Downloads

Welcome to the Apache Tomcat® 8.x software download page. This page provides download links for obtaining the latest versions of Tomcat 8.x software, as well as links to the archives of older releases. Unsure which version you need? Specification versions



1. Ctrl+Alt+S >> Plugins >> Smart Tomcat 설치

2. Run > Edit > Configurations 선택


3. +버튼 >> Smart Tomcat 선택


4. Tomcat Server 설정

Tomcat Server : Apache Tomcat 설치 폴더 
Deployment Directory : 본인 사용 프로젝트
Context Path : 임의 지정


5. Before launch >> Run Gradle task 선택

6. Select Gradle Task 입력

Gradle project : 본인 프로젝트 
Tasks : bootRun